We were very excited for this year’s NSBrazil and our planning didn’t stop, but unfortunately, due to the pandemic and the uncertainty of what’s to come, and in respect to our partners, sponsors, speakers and you, we have to make a decision as early as possible.

That’s why we’ve decided to postpone NSBrazil’s next conference, NSBrazil 2020. We were really excited for this year’s event, with lots of speakers from all around the world coming to Brazil, but with the current situation in our country and what we’ve come to expect from our event, it is unfeasible to host it this year. We see a lot of value in face-to-face interaction want to be yet another online event.

We still don’t have a date for our next event and our current venue has no expectations of opening for events this year, but we hope to see you as soon as possible.


John Sundell

Keynote Speaker - Creator of Swift by Sundell

John builds apps, games and developer tools. He also makes Swift by Sundell — a series of weekly articles and a podcast about Swift development, and co-hosts the Stacktrace podcast. He has worked for companies like Volvo and Spotify, and is now working full-time on creating apps, tools and content for the Swift community.



CUBO Itaú is located on Alameda Vicente Pinzon, 54, at the heart of Sao Paulo's tech center, close to landmarks such as the Estaiada Bridge and the Pinheiros river.

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